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Monday, June 18, 2012

How Declining Inventory Impacts Home Buyers In Today’s Market

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The number of homes available on the market today has sharply declined, reflecting the recent jump in sales across the board. Likewise, our inventory has been declining. How does that impact buyers today?  Considering that for the longest time now, buyers have been in control, what the current situation does is it changes the stakes in how quickly buyers need to act. Once their dream home is found buyers will need to act fast and furious to express their interest in the property of their choice.

Multiple Situations With Bidding Wars Galore

Many times nowadays, sellers are receiving multiple offers in a matter of days and sometimes hours after listing. Some homes sales are gaining momentum from the moment the property is displayed on open house despite their not being available on the market as of yet. Even if your offer is on the table with the seller, the buck does not stop there. You will also have to make sure you made a competitive offer that warrants enough attention from the seller. Especially when the property you are vying for is ideally situated in a desirable location, keep in mind that other buyers are just as serious and may be willing to pay top dollar.

Several Factors Influence Buyers’ Strong Demand Today

Whether buyers are anxious to lock in the historically low interest rates still available out there today, or if there is a personal situation such as a job relocation that warrants an immediate need, buyers want to move in today. In addition to the low home prices - which seem to be rising slowly but steadily across the nation - buyers are motivated by the prospect of a changing market that will eventually bring prices and interest rates up again.

Stronger Assertion and Aggressive Offers Are In Order

The only way buyers can expect to get the property of their choice is to present strong, competitive offers that will compel the seller to accept. Gone are the days when buyers were able to leverage their position and get hefty seller concessions. Over our local region we have seen a remarkable decline in the number of homes available on the market – sometimes as much as 30% less than what they were just a year ago. The numbers are staggering even when you look at one month after another – and this trend does not seem to be slowing down.
If you are considering buying a home before it becomes an impossible dream to find your perfect home, contact us today!  We have some great ideas on how a savvy buyer can compete and increase the likelihood of getting the contract. Not only that, with my legal background we will make sure there are added provisions in the contract that protect you. We look forward to serving you!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Washington DC Market Continues Shift In a Positive Direction

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Many sellers have been sitting on the fence about whether or not to list their homes on the market. The market has been an ever-evolving one and in our local area we have seen continuous improvement since 2009.  It was then that we began experiencing stronger sales and slow yet steady recovery.

Today, we are still at that teeter tottering steady level of sales but there is a remarkable change in our market that has changed the stakes.  Now, for the first time in several years, we are reporting a dramatic decrease in available homes on the market.  This lower inventory is significant as it drives our marketplace toward higher prices and corresponding stronger home values.

Inventory Down Significantly Across the Area 


Looking at the numbers from the previous year as compared to the same time frame in 2012, the first four months of the year logged an unremarkable 1.4% fewer homes sold in the Montgomery County (Maryland) area.  The big news, however, is that we are reporting a sizable decrease in the number of available homes at 15% less than the previous year.

Similarly, the end of 2011 marked a 30% decline in inventory as compared to the previous year in the Washington DC market.  What is interesting is that the number of homes sold does not correspond with inventory figures.  In other words, the buyers that did buy about the same number of homes in 2011 had only 70% of the previous year’s inventory availability to choose from.


As was apparent in single-family homes, condos and coops also experienced a relatively stable number of sales from one year over the next but the noteworthy activity took place in terms of inventory.  The number of new listings available on the market saw a 26% declined in 2011 as opposed to in 2010.
In light of today’s changing market it is a good idea for homeowners considering selling their homes to list now while they can enjoy favorable market conditions conducive to sellers’ interests.  Multiple offers, bidding wars, lesser or no need at all to offer concessions to buyers plus a very quick turnaround time to sell are all great reasons to list now.  If you would like to explore your options, learn what your house would sell for today or review some trade-up properties to move into, contact us today!  Our success is in your success and we look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals.